Society’s Third Publication

Society’s Third Book Launch at S. S. Khanna Girls Degree College, Prayagraj; in the gracious presence of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rajeev Misra (Chief Guest), Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Tandon, Retd. (Special Guest), Hon’ble Mr. Justice V. K. Shukla, Retd. (Special Guest), Prof. Rakesh Khanna, HOD Law Faculty, Allahabad University (Guest of Honour), Dr. Lalima Singh (Principal, S. S. Khanna Girls Degree College) and Sri Tanmay Sadh, newly appointed President of LASDES. The three founding members, Ayush Khanna, Devaang Savla and Prateek Dawar have reached yet another mile stone where they materialised and launched their society’s third study book. We hope this publication assists law students and field practitioners in their respective endeavorers.